So, I'm a cat person. I can't remember a time growing up when my family didn't have one. When I went to college I sorely missed it and managed to convince my then-boyfriend now-husband to get one during our last year in Madison. We had that crazy-arse, borderline-psychotic animal for ten years before moving to Hoboken where we remained catless for 2 years.
I decided this summer that I had had enough of our fur free existence and we started on our journey to find a kitten to join our family. Initially we were focused on getting a Scottish Fold. This was a result of seeing some viral videos of Maru the Japanese Scottish Fold who seemed unmistakably awesome and sweet natured. After years of abuse by the aforementioned psycho feline, temperment was obviously very high on our list of "requirements" and the Fold is supposed to be perfect for families with small children...
However, the search turned out to be futile. Who knew that cat breeders don't return e-mail inquiries? I guess people are still spending their hard earned money on animals despite the economy.
After being ignored by a number of these crazy cat ladies, we (read: I) decided to take matters into our own hands and hit some local shelters and check out their selection.
Well, it ended up being the best decision we could have made, because we found the newest member of our family, Zoe. Now the testosterone/estrogen balance in our family is a little more balanced...
While we were slightly nervous about being clueless about her background or personality going into the adoption, she seemed incredibly sweet and mild mannered when we played with her at the Pasadena Humane Society and once we found out she had lost her tail in some unknown altercation/accident we decided to give her a chance.
She has ended up being one of most amazing cats I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. First of all, she LOVES Markus. He is allowed to pet her and poke and prod her without and repurcussions. She actually seems to enjoy it! How many kittens enjoy playing with todllers!?!?There have been some good lessons learned about sharing and being gentle that I am sure will come in handy in three months time.
She is one big fur ball of love and wants to cuddle as much as possible, but is also independent and does her own thing. She is a gentle soul and if you can't already tell, I am totally in love. We lucked out.
Watching a movie on a Friday night...

She is going to be SERIOUSLY disappointed
when she loses her belly perch....