Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Markus Hanging at Le Meridien Avec Maman

I went to Paris with Markus with the clear understanding that, depending on his highnesses mood, I might be stuck in our hotel for the majority of the 48 hours that we were in the city of lights. However, he surprised all of us with his even keeled temper and good humored nature during the trip. The first night, however, we did stay behind at the hotel while my sister and mother went to dinner and my father gave a speech somewhere...
We watched some European Cartoon Network and ate some seriously overpriced Caesar salad with chicken :)

I went to Paris with the understanding that I would be a little stuck with the Little Man here and there. Actually, it ended up being much easier than anyone had anticipated since he was clutch, as always, under pressure.
Here are a few photos of our first evening at the hotel while my sister and mother went to dinner and my father was giving a speech somewhere...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You started to post more on your blog which is great! It's increadible to see Markus changing so much even in just a couple of weeks of no see!
Seems like you are having a good time!
We moved on Monday and my Dad stayed till today to help us getting our stuff organized. We are still in progress of making ourselfs at home. We miss you a lot! I'm starting to realize now that we moved...
A big hug for Markus - one from me, and one from Luis.