Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Love Afi :)

It's been a loooooong time since we posted last, but hopefully things will change and we'll get a little better with keeping peeps updated with our ever-changing lives :)
One of the things we did during our blog hiatus was spend a month in Iceland with our fam. Markus Kari loved many things about our trip, one in particular was his afi...
Here's some video of the dudes doing their thing:

1 comment:

S3DK said...

markus is so good at soccer! way better than his afi :). this video is stella's monty python. oh how she laughed and laughed as we watched repeatedly.

she is also pretty taken with dr. seuss. cat in the hat is in high rotation. wish we were hanging and watching this amazing (and at times annoying) toddler stage. hope potty training is going better!