Saturday, October 27, 2007


Who knew going to IKEA would be akin to traveling to playland and spending a blissful afternoon frolicking amongst the little people!?!? We decided, as a result of inclimate weather, that we would make a trip to IKEA with grandma and grandpa to pick up a few things. Once we entered the children's area, we soon realized that Markus would not - under any circumstances - remain calm in his cart. So, we decided to let the monster loose. Fortunately, grandma and grandpa are inclined to do anything for the little guy, so they allowed his father and I to go check out the items we intended to buy.

He had a WONDERFUL time playing with toys and furniture and taking umpteen rides on the slide that those IKEA folks ingeniously installed in their showroom.

The highlight of the trip, however, was our stop at the cafeteria. For some reason (I think it might have something to do with the gravy), Markus absolutely adores the Swedish meatballs. After eating a few of those (which I must stress - is a lot for his tiny belly to handle) and using a french fry as a conduit for ketchup (and I'm serious here - the french fry was never eaten, but a lot of ketchup was consumed), the little man did something that he never done before: had chocolate milk. As he sucked this nectar of the gods through his straw, he had no idea what was coming....

Once he realized, however, it quickly became clear that this was something serious. He was not even going to spare a moment to breathe as he inhaled a third of the carton down in one fell swoop. This was one - happy - baby.

All in all, this was a very successful venture on a rainy day. Ask Markus and he would say it was the best!


Anonymous said...

Hey Svansi (cute nickname - I think I will keep that for you)!
As I can tell you already caught fire with blogging! Welcome to the blog-addicted! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's me, Christine ;-)

S3DK said...

So, I guess we should plan a playdate with the kiddies at IKEA for December! I'm totally serious!


Dave and I love Ikea with Deville. Check out the one in Philly..It has ball crawls randomly placed.

Oh and the lunch is best thing ever for kids..and husbands!

Unknown said...

Abby, of course, loves IKEA. My Papa would be proud that Markus does too...Those Swedes sure know what they are doing!

The KOR said...

hey, checking in too!
ikea play date sounds like a great idea! meatballs for everyone!!!
kathrin + oscar