Monday, November 19, 2007

Parent's Party Night!

Well, Dave and I went out with 2 other couples for a night out on the town in the city for last Friday the first time in...well, in a really long time. We went with Susan, Scott, Christine and Robert - parents of 2 of Markus' good buddies from the park (and playgroup, of course!).

We had Korean BBQ (which was awesome) and I had too much wine at dinner...followed by too much at the bar we went to afterwards...which is fairly apparent from the photos here (stolen from Christine's blog - because of course I forgot our camera!).

We stayed out until 3 am. WHAT!?!?! I know, we're crazy. And we paid dearly for it the next day. Good times were had by all, though, and we hope to do it again.

1 comment:


i dont know..I think dave and scott look more wasted..hehe